Marketing Guru and California Refugee Craig Huey Discusses His Business of The Huey Report, Reality Alert, and


Live from Music Row Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed California refugee and direct mail pioneer Craig Huey to the studio.

At the top of the second hour, Huey discussed the megatrend of California conservatives moving to Tennessee and described his business ventures, The Huey Report, Reality Alert, and

Leahy: Joining me in the studio is a pioneer in the movement of conservative refugees from California to Middle Tennessee. I guess I started the trend back in 1990 when I moved from Sonoma, California to Nashville and then onto Williamson County. But joining me in the studio is another pioneer, Craig Huey. Craig, welcome to The Tennessee Star Report.

Huey: Hey Michael. It’s great to be here and it’s exciting to be in Tennessee.

Leahy: You know, I think I’ve felt that way since 1990 myself. But you actually are sort of one of the leaders in this trend.

Huey: Well, yeah.

Leahy: Common sense people from California saying, where am I going to go where can I actually make a living?

Huey: Yeah, you know what? There is a megatrend of people coming from California to Tennessee. And of course, I consider myself a refugee from California.

Leahy: Well, you know, this is the kind of refugee resettlement program that we like here in Tennessee and not the kind that our Governor Bill Lee has endorsed. And now with the election of Joe Biden who’s going to increase the annual number of refugees coming to the United States as he can do by law from the 18,000 that Donald Trump had. None of them from hotbeds of terrorism to 125,000. Most of them probably coming from hotbeds of terrorism starting September of 2021 under a potential President Joe Biden.

The number of refugees from Syria and Somalia etc. coming into Tennessee thanks to Governor Bill Lee’s refusal to sign on to the lawsuit. The Tenth Amendment lawsuit the General Assembly put together and by his refusal to accept the president’s offer to say no to refugees. I mean both of these he did without talking with the Tennessee General Assembly. Now, we’re going to get that kind of refugee. But I think Craig we’d like to have conservatives from California like you.

Huey: Well, you know, they’re coming. A lot of them are coming. Of course, you have Ben Shapiro.

Leahy: He’s your neighbor where?

Huey: Well, he is in the Glendale, Los Angeles area. And I come from the Torrance, Palos Verdes area. In California, we go by how far you drive. It’s about an hour and a half.

Leahy: Virtually next door.

Huey: Virtually next door by Tennessee standards and would be 15 minutes.

Leahy: So yeah, we’re going to have a party and it started out for Ben Shapiro who I know from our days together at Breitbart. And then the entire staff of The Daily Wire has moved to Nashville.

Huey: Yes.

Leahy: And we are going to have a party for them. But we’ve decided since you know, Roger Simon my old boss at PJTV and the founder of PJ Media and who is now a columnist with The Epoch Times. Roger is going to be at that party. Candace Owens has moved to Nashville. Sean Davis who founded The Federalist lives in Nashville. You live in Nashville. Now tell us about your writing. You have The Huey Report. What is that and how long they’ve been doing it?

Huey: So I have 200,000 subscribers through three different newsletters. One is a marketing and advertising newsletter.

Leahy: So you make money telling people about marketing and advertising.

Huey: That’s how I support everything that we done over the last 25 years. In fact, when I started my business, I started with marketing conservative, libertarian, and Christian organizations and candidates. And because I found so many weren’t paying their bills, I transitioned into the investment field and people who were geopolitical in the investment field.

Leahy: You said something true but funny. Political people have great ideas. Especially on our side. But they don’t have a lot of money. And now interestingly enough we’ve talked about this many times Craig. On the left, if you have a harebrained idea, but it’s left, George Soros and his crowd of billionaires who you know hate America will write you a check.

Huey: Right.

Leahy: No questions asked. But if you are conservative then you’ve got to scrape together to get that money and it’s not easy.

Huey: It’s not easy at all. So with the foundation of the business, I have The Huey Report which is a free-market political conservative newsletter. And then I have Reality Alert and that is a Christian worldview political newsletter.

Leahy: And so you’ve got what 200,000 subscribers?

Huey: 200,000 subscribers. And then I’ve got which is a voter guide on who’s the judicial activist and who’s the strict constructionists across the United States. And then I have a voter guide that used to be just for California going down from city council all the way up to the top of the ticket. One for the faith community and one for the political general community secular. And I’ve transitioned that as an experiment to Tennessee right now.

Leahy: Well now that I want to talk about when we get back. More with Craig Huey of The Huey Report. A very successful marketer, conservative, and a refugee from California who we are glad to be with.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio. 











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